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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1. Mrs Al-Hassani is the Class Teacher and Mrs Lee is the Teaching Assistant.

Summer 2


In English we will be reading a non-fiction text about the development of transport and we will be reading our class text The Enormous Crocodile and some poetry. We will continue to work on punctuating sentences with capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks. We will be learning about adding suffixes such as ed, ful and est to words and about prefixes.


In Maths we will be working on time ( o'clock, half past, the next hour and the before and after hour) The children will be estimating and comparing times. They will be learning about the days of the week and the months of the year using a calendar. They will also be learning about using coins to make amounts and capacity.


We will be learning about the season of summer.


The children use ipads in groups to take photographs and to film each other and make a short film.


For History we will be learning about the development of transport. We will learn about early flight and about the development of trains and we will be visiting the Museum of Science and Industry.

D and T

We will be preparing and making a fruit salad.


The Bible – we will be learning about Bible stories.


Outdoor games; explore basic skills of travelling, sending and receiving a medium ball.

Games: developing basic game playing skills.

