Welcome to Year 5
Teacher: Mrs Armstrong
TA: Miss McGrath
Spring 1
Linked to our class book, The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe by CS Lewis and look at higher-level comprehension questions centred on it. In addition, children will write a long story based around fantasy and adventure themes.
Our targets this term are:
To recite a poem or extract from memory to an audience
Daily Fluency practice: mental maths, maths skills, times tables, quick maths
To use Varied fluency followed by reasoning and problem solving to cover the following:
• Multiplication-long method
• Fraction equivalents
• Fractions of an amount
• Fraction Multiplication
• Multiplication of fraction with a whole number
• Fraction problems
We will continue to develop reasoning by looking at why questions are incorrect/correct and finding more than one solution for maths problems.
We will study South America in detail and compare it with the UK. We will write a fact file about particular countries; look at the Andes in detail; and how humans have settled across the continent.
The Battle of Britain and its effect on British history: kind of country would be living in if we had lost. We will also look at the risk of invasion and its consequences, the Blitz and its effects, the life of ordinary people, the experiences of evacuees and what happened during the Holocaust.
Biology-animal life cycles and a more detailed look at how to keep our circulatory system healthy.
Chemistry- looking more closely at reversible and irreversible changes when materials are combined.
Children will create their own database on a chosen topic and add records to it. They will learn what a database field is and add field information. Children will learn word questions so that they can be effectively answered using a search of their Database
Consider what it means to belong to a faith community? Children share experiences of their own religions. Talk about stories of people who belong to different groups. Find out about some symbols of belonging (Christianity and Islam). Explore the idea that everyone is valuable.
PE: Tuesday & Thursday - Children must be able to remove or tape their own earrings and be responsible for them. Please have outdoor kit in school at all times.
Homework: given out on Fridays to be completed by Monday-Wednesday
Guided reading: Tuesday but please have book and diary in school everyday
Spelling test: Monday
Please can you also make sure children have the correct equipment for school:
a blue handwriting pen (no biros), pencil, ruler, eraser and glue stick.