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Phonics: We are continuing to distinguish between sounds and to remember a pattern of sounds.

Ask your child to copy you.  Begin by stamping your feet- 'stamp, stamp', encourage your child to copy the action and to create the sound. Was the sound the same or different? Repeat with different body sounds. Develop challenge by introducing a simple sequence of sounds for your child to copy, such as: clap, stamp, clap.

Try to play the game with members of the family. When sitting at the dinner table, produce a sound which can be 'passed' around the table, for example, 'tap, clink, tap, clink'.

Maths: Count aloud without objects. Count in different voices, such as squeaky, whispering... 

We are thinking about pattern. Find two groups of objects, for example teaspoons and side plates. Show your child how to create a pattern such as: spoon, plate, spoon. Try with other items, for example sticks and leaves.

Other Learning: Time for exercise! Have you got 'fast feet'? Using a timer, see if your fast feet run quickly around the garden. Play 'Socks In A Box', encourage your child to throw rolled up socks into a large box. 

Keep reading and talking about the pictures in your books. 
