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smileysmileyWelcome to Well Green Nurserysmileysmiley  


The Nursery teachers are Mrs Richmond and Mrs Parsons.

Our teaching assistants are Miss Crabtree and Mrs Lee.





Welcome back to Summer 2.


This half term the children will be investigating the theme "How do we get there?", talking about holidays, and travel and transport. If your child has any interesting photographs of their travels, please ask them to bring them to nursery to share. We will of course return them to you afterwards, so please ensure they have a name on the back!


As this is our final half term of the academic year, we will be spending more time each week in the main school building in preparation for your child moving to Reception. We will be supporting the children as they join in Singing assemblies, playtimes on the larger playground, and spending  time with Reception staff, both in the nursery and in the main school building.


With the hope of good weather, please remember to send your child in with appropriate clothing and apply sun cream before they come to N


Please also ensure that your child has a full change of clothes on their peg each day, incase of lunch or snack spillages, wet play etc. Thank you.


We ask that you continue to read the weekly newsletter so you can keep up to date with what the children have been doing, and how you can support them at home.


Many thanks 

The Nursery Team



Arts Week- Bollywood Dancing

Still image for this video