Class Teacher:- Mrs Al-Hassani
Teaching Assistants:- Ms Moorhouse and Mrs Kays
In English our focus will be reading non-fiction texts about animal facts and fiction texts such as Police Car on Patrol and Tyrone the Terrible(for Anti-Bullying Week) The children will be segmenting and blending phonemes for reading and writing; understanding and using sentences with full stops and capital letters; capitalisation for names and the I pronoun; knowing what nouns are and about adding adjectives to add detail.
In Maths we will revise the work on addition and subtraction covered so far. and then we will be learning about position and direction. There will be further work on counting, comparing and ordering .Then we will be covering addition and subtraction to 20.
Garden plants Animals: Common animals Carnivores/herbivores/omnivores and devices which use electricity in the home.
In ICT :- Grouping and sorting, pictograms and online safety.
History and Geography:- We continue with work on Life in the past – old homes and old toys.
and we continue with Mapping and the Local Area
D&T: Moving pictures: levers and sliders; using simple tools safely and effectively; designing and evaluating work and topic related art.
P.E:- Multi-skills games: travelling with, sending and receiving a ball.
Dance: responding to
Music:- Tempo: Snail & Mouse Using voices, bodies and instruments to listen and respond to different pieces of music. Learning and performing a rhyme and song with a focus on tempo. |
R.E: - What Christians believe and how they worship. Christian stories.
Christmas and the Christmas story.
PHSE:- Getting on and falling out: friendship and working together; listening to others when they are talking; knowing how to be a friend when we have fallen out.
French:- Counting, colours, animal names and simple rhymes.