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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4! smiley

Your teacher is Mrs. Simon and your teaching assistant is Mrs. Alvi


Summer 1:


In English we will be completing our work on Treasure Island. We will explore various spelling patterns including suffixes. We will learn about determiners and consolidate our knowledge of the Year 4 punctuation and grammar objectives. We will develop our writing skills by writing a fictional sequel to Treasure Island.


This half term our targets will be

  • To revise various spelling patterns including words ending in ‘gue’ and ‘que’
  • To identify the subordinate clause in a sentence
  • To identify determiners in a sentence
  • To write fiction based on Treasure Island.


In Maths this term we will be learning to solve problems involving money. We will also be learning how to convert between units of measurement and measuring and calculating area.


This half term our targets will be:

  • Convert units of mass, volume and length.
  • Measure and calculate the area of a rectangle
  • Solve problems involving money
  • Compare and round amounts of money
  • Solve problems involving conversion of units of measurements


Science: In Physics, we will be learning more about magnets, electricity, sound and light. In Biology, we will cover pollination of flowers and muscles and movement.


Our topic in Computing this half term is ‘Using Logo’. Children will learn common commands and constructs of the Logo programming language. They will develop their ability to compose algorithms for drawing mathematical structures and turn these into Logo code.


In Geography, we will study a contrasting UK rural locality. We will compare the village of Castleton with our local area. In History, we will continue to learn about the Romans, covering religion, leisure activities and artefacts.


We will be making pizza this half term in DT. This will involve food preparation using a recipe to measure and mix ingredients. The children will use a range of techniques.


This half term, we will have two outdoor PE lessons each week. On Tuesdays we will do athletics and on Wednesdays we will be learning all about cricket.


Working with Mrs Cooper in music, we will be learning about instruments and the orchestra.


In RE with Mrs Oldham we will be learning about ‘Following a Christian Way of life’. The children will focus on how Christians lead their life and how they worship Jesus.


The theme for this half term is ‘Changes’. We will explore what it feels like to belong to a group, unwanted changes and feelings brought on by change. We will also discuss conflict and how to resolve it.


In French this half term, we will be listening to the “Carnival of the animals”. We will learn lots of new animal vocabulary and construct sentences of our own based on the story.  


General Information:



Homework, usually Maths, English and any spelling and multiplication tables will be given out on a Friday to be handed in by the following Wednesday. Please read with your child regularly and record this in their reading record as it is part of their weekly homework. Weekly spelling and times tables tests will take place on a Thursday.


P.E. lessons will be Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please ensure that your child has something suitable for all weathers. Children who have earrings are asked to remove them and leave them at home on P.E. days or remove them and keep them safe themselves at school. If ears have been pierced recently the children are responsible covering their own earrings with tape.


Please can you also ensure your child has the correct equipment required for school. Your child will need a blue fibre tip pen with spares, pencil, sharpener, ruler and eraser. They also require a named water bottle.


 If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to come and see me.


Thank you for your support and co-operation.

 Mrs. Simon



