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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Your teacher is Miss Rushton and our teaching assistants are Mrs Lee and Mrs Williams.


Summer 1

In History this half term, we are learning about life in the Stone Age. We will find out about the hunter and gatherer lifestyle and how this changed when man began to farm. We will see what we can learn about the Stone Age from Skara Brae and in Art, we will re-create our own cave paintings using printing techniques.
In Science we will be learning about light and shadows. We will learn about different light sources, which objects are best at reflecting light and about transparent, transluscent and opaque objects. We will find out how shadows are formed and observe how and why shadows change throughout the day.
In our Computing lessons we will be working on Scratch. We will learn to use some new blocks of code to create a dressing up game.

In R.E. lessons, we will be learning about Hindu worship. We will find out about the meaning of the Aum symbol, about Hindu shrines and the act of puja.
Remember your P.E. kit every Tuesday for rounders and Wednesday for athletics.

We are very lucky to have a specialist music teacher from Trafford Music Service coming in to teach us to play the clarinet. Remember to practice at home and bring in your instrument every Friday!